Power Utility Robot


Robots fill many roles, and have a wide array of functions here are some examples:


Cargo robots are designed to carry heavy loads.

General-purpose robots could perform most of the functions of a human worker, but were generally limited to a single function.

Power Utility robots store and dispense large amounts of energy.

Superstructure Maintenance robots repair the outer hulls of space-craft and space stations.

Virobots are parasites on intelligent life-forms.


Power-utility robots

Robots are purpose-built for a wide variety of applications.  One such application is to serve as a mobile power source.  These robots are commonly found at construction sites and outdoor events where grid power may not be available.  They are also found on the battlefield as a part of logistics and supply operations.

The 810-P from Ares Systems is a commonly seen model, built around a bank of large hypercapacitors.