
Power-utility robots

Robots are purpose-built for a wide variety of applications.  One such application is to serve as a mobile power source.  These robots are commonly found at construction sites and outdoor events where grid power may not be available.  They are also found on the battlefield as a part of logistics and supply operations.

The 810-P from Ares Systems is a commonly seen model, built around a bank of large hypercapacitors.



Hypercapacitors are electrical storage devices with enormously high capacity by modern standards.  Hypercapacitors were invented late in Era-0 on Earth.  

Hypercapacitors are typically made from graphene, and other, similar materials, using nano-construction techniques.

Hypercapacitors power most of the day-to-day applications of technology in the galaxy.  Jetpacks, hovercars, robots, and rayguns all use hypercapacitors as their main power sources.