Cargo robot


Robots fill many roles, and have a wide array of functions here are some examples:


Cargo robots are designed to carry heavy loads.

General-purpose robots could perform most of the functions of a human worker, but were generally limited to a single function.

Power Utility robots store and dispense large amounts of energy.

Superstructure Maintenance robots repair the outer hulls of space-craft and space stations.

Virobots are parasites on intelligent life-forms.


Cargo Robots



Cargo robots, commonly known as mules, are specialized in carrying around heavy loads.  They can often be seen making deliveries, accompanying explorers, and following armies into battle as logistics units.  Those who enjoy camping and other outdoor activities make frequent use of these robots to carry supplies. Mules are also a common accessory for those who don’t drive their own car as away to carry extra luggage. For any occasion where you’d like to have a robot to carry around your stuff, there’s a cargo bot ready for the job.

A common feature or modification is to equip a mule with an arm so it can even load and unload its self.

One common cargo robot is the PK-5 from Ares Systems, also known as the "Pack Mule".

Another is the Mark-0, manufactured by Pegasus Cybernetics:
