Pegasus Cybernetics

Personal Drone Swarms

Many of the galaxy's inhabitants, especially the well-to-do and those from technologically advanced worlds, are often attended by swarms of small robots.  These drones are typically coordinated via an app on the user's personal media device, or neural interface.

Often, a group of drones with related functions will be packaged and marketed together as a swarm.  One of the more popular swarms is the "Pixie Pals" by Pegasus Cybernetics, a group of personal security devices marketed primarily to young women.

Another common application of this technology is the personal constructor swarm, a group of robots designed to rapidly fabricate a wide variety of items.

Some personal drone swarms are purely ornamental, acting as a form of automated jewelry.

Flashlight Robot

The Flashlight Robot made by Pegasus Cybernetics, was originally designed as a gift by Barvik Muglow (one of Pegasus' lead engineers) for his son's birthday in GSC 65.  It was so popular among Muglow's coworkers that he later submitted an official prototype that was developed into the popular workshop assistant.

Standing a svelte 20cm high,(with the head extended), and weighing about half a kilogram, the Flashlight-bot was easily portable.  Later iterations of the design included additional features, such as a video projector.

Superstructure Maintenance Robots

Asteroid strikes, equipment malfunctions and the ravages of battle necessitate a system of in-flight maintenance for star-ships, space habitats, and other large structures in space.  Maintaining a ship in space is a dangerous, difficult job, one that most captains utilize robotic labor to accomplish.  These robots generally remain on the exterior of the craft while it is in flight.  Many ships come with sockets built into their hulls that store and recharge these robots until they are needed.  One of the more popular lines of these robots is the M-series by Pegasus Cybernetics.

The M-series from Pegasus Cybernetics is a popular and economically priced option for star-ship maintenance.

The M-series from Pegasus Cybernetics is a popular and economically priced option for star-ship maintenance.

Cargo Robots



Cargo robots, commonly known as mules, are specialized in carrying around heavy loads.  They can often be seen making deliveries, accompanying explorers, and following armies into battle as logistics units.  Those who enjoy camping and other outdoor activities make frequent use of these robots to carry supplies. Mules are also a common accessory for those who don’t drive their own car as away to carry extra luggage. For any occasion where you’d like to have a robot to carry around your stuff, there’s a cargo bot ready for the job.

A common feature or modification is to equip a mule with an arm so it can even load and unload its self.

One common cargo robot is the PK-5 from Ares Systems, also known as the "Pack Mule".

Another is the Mark-0, manufactured by Pegasus Cybernetics:
