artificial gravity

Negative Energy Technology

Negative Energy is a natural phenomenon linked to gravity and the curvature of space.  It has a number of practical uses, from creating artificial gravity fields, to hyper-efficient refrigeration and noise-cancellation systems, to some of the most powerful weaponry in the galaxy.  It is also the key to spatial compression, the primary FTL (faster than light) technology in human-controlled space.  It even impacts the world of communications with spatial compression radio technology.

The generation of negative energy is generally accomplished through the use of Casimir Stacks (a device that operates on the Casimir effect ), or through the squeezed light technique. 

Manipulation of negative energy often requires the use of time crystals, exotic objects that never reach thermal equilibrium, as well as nega-conductors, special materials that can transmit negative energy.

Negative energy can also be stored in an anticapacitor.  When charging, anticapacitors are said to "charge down", rather than charging up, as one might think of a normal energy storage device.

Negative Energy Hazards

A negative energy field counteracts positive energy that it comes into contact with, so a common injury from exposure to excessive negative energy is frostbite, as it absorbs the heat in the environment.  An environment rich in negative energy is one with dim light or darkness, little or no sound, and cold temperatures.  All movement slows down in its presence.  Electronics often fail in such environments as well.

This feature also makes negative energy based weapons the preferred armament of assassins and spies.  Where a conventional weapon would give away its presence with emitted light and sound, a negative energy blaster or blade blocks out light and sound, making its use harder to detect.  

Negative energy systems have to be carefully shielded and insulated. If they aren't, the area around the equipment can quickly become hazardously cold.

Gravity Satellites


After the discovery of gravitonium in Era-1gravity manipulation became possible, and one of the main applications was to modify the gravitational fields of planets, to make them more amenable to human life.  

Gravity Satellites are a massive investment for a planet, because of the large amount of gravitonium needed.  Gravitonium is both rare and dangerous to obtain, since it is most often found in the vicinity of black holes and neutron stars, making it quite expensive.

Since a Gravity Satellite exerts a cone of influence between its self and the surface of the planet it orbits, it takes a number of them to fully adjust a planet's environment.  Most planets that have gravity satellites, only have a few in geostationary orbits creating a band of adjusted gravity around the equator.  Many planets with partial systems have the problem of inconsistent coverage, where the surface gravity varies throughout the day.  Few planets are wealthy enough to have full and consistent coverage.  

Artificial Gravity


At first the only gravity available aboard spacecraft was based on rotation or acceleration.   Early in Era-1, scientists in the Planetary League discovered a rare material that allowed limited manipulation of gravitational fields.  Gravitonium is generally found in the vicinity of black holes, and neutron stars, making it both rare and dangerous to collect.

During Era-1, as more sources of gravitonium were discovered, Gravity Generators for ships and space colonies became a practical reality.

Also early in Era-1, the art of gravity manipulation made possible the manufacture of Inertial Compensators,  which allowed crewed ships to accelerate at much faster rates without harming those inside.

Midway through Era-1, the Gravity Satellite was invented which allowed the gravitational field of any planet wealthy enough to afford the large amount of gravitonium necessary to be adjusted.

The cost of artificial gravity gradually came down as sources of gravitonium were discovered.  The most major advance in availability and cost for artificial gravity came in Era-3, when scientists in the Galactic Republic discovered an effective means of synthesizing gravitonium.