
Tectonic Stabilizers

Tectonic stabilizers are huge robotic platforms used in terraforming operations to reduce geological activity on a planet.  A tectonic stabilization platform is typically built on top of a large drill head and burrows deep into the ground, typically at some critical location on a fault line.  Tectonic stabilizers are often deployed in networked groups to reduce geological activity in a particular region. 

Once in place, the tectonic stabilizer deploys a number of different tools to absorb and mitigate geological forces.  Most such platforms include enormous shock absorbers and thermocouples that convert geological activity into electricity.  This energy is then used to power the platform, with any excess power transferred to the surface via long power cables that extend from the top of the platform.

While in place, most tectonic stabilizers also deploy a number of other tools, such as drills, jackhammers, earth-moving equipment, etc. to shift the earth around it into more stable configurations to reduce seismic activity.  This activity is coordinated by the platform's artificial intelligence, as these platforms are deployed without any biological crew.


Soil Processors


Soil processors are terraforming tools used to make regolith or alien soil amenable to agriculture.  Usually built into a mobile platform, such as a large truck, and paired with earth moving equipment, soil processors go from site to site, producing usable soil.  Some soil processors are stationary production plants, but these are the exceptions to the rule.

The first stage of the soil processor consists of a rock crusher that breaks stones into small enough pieces for the process to continue.  The second stage of soil processing sends the soil through a tumbler with microbial cultures added.  This stage takes the edges off of sharp-edged fragments, aerates the soil, and starts the growth of beneficial microbes.  After the tumbler, the soil spends a certain amount of time fermenting in a bioreactor, where it is stirred together with engineered algae, fungi and other living agents, such as worms and insects.  After the bioreactor is done, the soil goes through one more aeration stage before being returned to the ground.  

The whole process can take between a week and several months depending on what kind of soil is being processed, and for what use.

Soil processing operations on Shoji circa GSC 215

Soil processing operations on Shoji circa GSC 215

Impact Ships


Impact ships are designed to collect and launch asteroids or comets to impact with a planet.  Generally this is accomplished by landing thruster-drones on the object in order to dock it to a powerful railgun attached to the ship.

The technology was developed to terraform a planet by adding mass and desired chemicals (such as water and oxygen) to its environment.  This can boost a planet's gravity, improve its atmosphere, and even create oceans.

Unfortunately, the more cruel leaders and commanders also learned to use impact ships to rain destruction on whole planets.  The democratic societies of the galaxy see this later use of the technology as a crime, while the more despotic and Machiavellian see it as a means to an end.

During Era-2, the Holy Empire of Man included a large number of impact ships in its "Purification Fleet".

Heat Mills


Heat Mills are used to warm the air and/or water of a planet.  Generally, if a planet's greenhouse effect is at the desired level, but the climate is still too cold for some other reason (usually Albedo or orbital eccentricity), heat mills are used to warm the environment.

A heat mill is generally constructed in the form of a tower covered in radiator vanes.  In the center of the tower are the heaters .  If a planet's greenhouse effect is too low, fuel-burning heaters may be used to increase it, otherwise the heaters are usually electrical.  The heater heats the radiator vanes, which in turn heat the air and/or water around the heat mill.  

Working in a heat mill is hot, heavy, repetitive and dangerous.  The height of a typical heat mill makes falling a real danger.  Long hours spent adjusting huge radiator vanes, and tending to the heaters make it one of the galaxy's least desirable jobs.

The planet Scharlaff is home to some of the most infamous heat-mills in the galaxy. As the planet gradually drifts away from it’s sun, more of these mills need to be constructed cheaply. So, as a cost-saving measure, the Empire of 1,000,000 Suns staffs them with convicts.

Gravity Satellites


After the discovery of gravitonium in Era-1gravity manipulation became possible, and one of the main applications was to modify the gravitational fields of planets, to make them more amenable to human life.  

Gravity Satellites are a massive investment for a planet, because of the large amount of gravitonium needed.  Gravitonium is both rare and dangerous to obtain, since it is most often found in the vicinity of black holes and neutron stars, making it quite expensive.

Since a Gravity Satellite exerts a cone of influence between its self and the surface of the planet it orbits, it takes a number of them to fully adjust a planet's environment.  Most planets that have gravity satellites, only have a few in geostationary orbits creating a band of adjusted gravity around the equator.  Many planets with partial systems have the problem of inconsistent coverage, where the surface gravity varies throughout the day.  Few planets are wealthy enough to have full and consistent coverage.  

Atmospheric Conditioners


Atmospheric Conditioners generally take the form of large buildings, the size of skyscrapers covered in large ventilation ports.  The ports serve to draw in the planet's atmosphere, and to expel the newly conditioned atmosphere.

Inside the conditioner ducts lead the incoming air first to a bioreactor that uses genetically engineered algae and other microorganisms to remove unwanted substances and to add oxygen, and other gasses if needed.  If the planet's greenhouse effect is too low to sustain a habitable climate, the air then goes to a chamber where the appropriate gasses are added, often by burning certain fuels.  The heat produced by this process is re-captured to provide power.  If the planet's climate is too cold, the conditioner may also include a Heat Mill to warm the outgoing air.  If the air is too dry or too humid, an atmospheric conditioner also includes humidifying/dehumidifying equipment.

The number of atmospheric conditioners installed on a planet depends on the volume of the atmosphere, as well as how much the air needs to be altered.  Planets with higher populations also tend to need more conditioning.  

Atmospheric Conditioning technology also has its abuses.  The corporate state of Cosmid used this technology on several planets to test new drugs on unsuspecting populations.  The Holy Empire of Man also used atmospheric conditioners to drug entire planets. 

Atmospheric conditioners in the Black Iron Desert on Bonnard's End