
The Clockbeast is a genetically engineered species, used to tell time in the Empire of 1,000,000 Suns. The Clockbeast is normally entirely sedentary, though it can walk on occasion, if needed.

Its nervous system is engineered to move it’s bodily tentacles at specific rates in order to maintain accurate timekeeping. The dial on the beast’s upper-left represents a short unit of time roughly corresponding to seconds. The dial on the beast’s upper-right represents a medium-length unit of time, similar to minutes. The dial on the lower part of the beast’s body/thighs represents a longer unit of time, similar to an hour. Also, the three large plumes on it’s head provide a binary representation of the eight periods of the Gronnic Cycle. The numerals on the clockbeast’s dials are actually patches of differing coloration in its short, velvet-like fur.

Clockbeasts are entirely incapable of caring for their own needs, and have to be tended to by keepers. The keepers feed the beast through a secondary mouth on the side of the beast’s right leg, and carry away it’s waste (which is shed in fleshy sacs that accumulate on the side of its left leg. Keepers can also train the clockbeast to sound an alarm at a prearranged time. The beast does this by letting out a loud bellow through its primary mouth.

At birth, a clockbeast is the size of a kitten, and often starts life as a table-clock (after training is complete). They grow slowly, but never stop growing, and can live for a very long time.

In the workplace, imperial subjects will often pet or talk affectionately to their office clockbeast in an attempt to get it to speed up. This mainly happens close to lunch time or the end of the workday. If the clockbeast is well trained, this has little or no effect on its timekeeping, which is handled through unconscious reflexive processes.

The Dogarri


The Dogarri were an intelligent species from a planet that was ejected from their solar system when their technology was comparable to that of the United States in the 1980s. For centuries they drifted through the void, surviving underground off the geothermal energy of their home-world, Dogar-dann. As the human race was starting to expand into the galaxy, around the time of the first Convergence war, human scouts discovered Dogar-dann in interstellar space, as it was also the target of Convergence aggression. Soon after the Dogarri and the Planetary League joined in an alliance for mutual defense. Dogar-dann maintained its independence, but many Dogarri joined the League.


Dogarri are short and compact compared to humans, with powerful muscles and stronger skeletons due to Dogar-dann’s relatively high gravity.

Engineering culture

Dogarri culture emphasizes engineering and construction as important fields. This is due both to the high gravity of their home-world requiring sturdy construction techniques, and to the fact that they were beset by cosmic catastrophe. Survival underground on a frozen planet caused the Dogarri to value these endeavors even more. The Dogarri are known throughout the galaxy for their prowess at architecture and engineering.


Dogarri egg-beer is made when the eggs of a Dorrik-braagh (a large, birdlike animal) are slow-fermented in a broth made from vort-grass. The results are remarkably similar to Earth-beer, plus you get a tasty alcohol-saturated egg to eat at the end. (This does not taste as bad as it sounds.)

The Nalanda



The Nalanda are an ancient race, native to the twin planets Malana and Agwanda (“The Twins”) in the Ileyo (meaning Heaven) system. They have a highly developed culture, and their art and music are prized across the galaxy. Their culture emphasizes harmony and peace, and seems to have remained remarkably stable over the course of their recorded history.

What has remained a mystery to archaeologists and historians, however, is how they managed to build the enormous space-bridge between their two planets when their own technological level could be most closely compared to the renaissance era. Their own folklore makes vague references to an ancient civilization known as “Zanath” that is said to have built it.

Explorers from the Planetary League made first contact with the Nalanda in GSC 208, and in GSC 248 the Great Council of Matriarchs had decided to join the league. Malana and Agwanda suffered the depredations of the Holy Empire of Man during the Great Reckoning, causing a great diaspora of the Nalanda.

“The Nalanda are the last remnants of an ancient civilization. If you are lucky enough to meet one, you may be lucky enough to survive.” -The Ranks of Man


Nalandan culture is matriarchal in structure with women holding the reigns of power. Their highest level of government is known as the Great Council of Matriarchs, which resides in the capitol at the center of the space-bridge.

Nalandan religion is polytheistic, with local regions having their own patron gods who all fit together into a grand pantheon. Customs and festivals vary widely from place to place, but the core ideas of beauty, balance and peace pervade the whole culture.


The Nalanda are humanoid omnivores, similar to humans in most respects. They are immediately recognizable by their tripple-lobed ears, chocolate brown skin (often highlighted with bright colors), and some distinct ridges at the bridge of the nose. In appearance, the Nalanda are slender and elegant, often to the point of androgyny. Adding further to the mystery of the Nalanda, biologists examining their DNA as well as the other species in their home environment have found evidence of advanced genetic engineering. Apparently the engineering in the Nalanda themselves focused on creating a certain cosmetic appearance, as the most clearly edited sequences pertain to body structure, vocal properties, and coloration.


Pixielamp is a segmented grass native to New Promise.  The name derives from a combination of the plant's small size (the tallest species is only 10cm tall), and the plant's most distinctive feature, the bio-luminescent flower it grows in the late spring.  These flowers come in a variety of colors with pink and greenish-yellow being the most common. 


Due to it's glowing flowers, Pixielamp found its way into floral arrangements and ornamental gardens across the galaxy, and various greenhouses on New Promise did a brisk business in this local plant.


Vase tree



The Vase-tree is native to the deserts of New Albuquerque.  It survives the arid environment by collecting rainwater (and any animals hapless enough to fall in) in the base of its massive trunk.  Found primarily in the arid regions of the planet's northern hemisphere, some species are found near the southern rain band as well, (whether these are the result of convergent evolution has been the subject of serious debate, but no conclusion has yet been reached).

Handy Vasetree sprite

Handy Vasetree sprite


The vase-tree is dominated by its trunk, which resembles a large vase (from which it gets its name).  The vase is hollow, and is ringed with rows of downward-pointing internal spines (which help it trap and digest any animals that fall in).  The vase typically forms around a single large knot in the wood of the trunk (known as the "navel" of the tree), which is often drilled out by those knowledgeable in desert survival as the fastest way to the tree's water supply.  The upper end of the trunk centers around a large opening that supplies water and nutrients to the tree. 

Vase trees only have a few large leaves that sprout from large stalks coming out of the trunk.  The underside of these leaves is covered (in most species) with a thick growth of vines.  The ends of these vines sprout flowers that then give way to small fruits.  When these fruits are ripe, the vines detach from the leaves.  Many of these fruits are edible to humans, and the various nomads and wildlife of the planet often consume them.

Most vase-trees are between 5 and 10 meters high, although specimens as large as 250 meters are known to have existed when humans first arrived on New Albuquerque.  Most of the largest vase-trees were harvested for wood in the early years after the crash of Garcia's Hope.

Economic value

The wood of the vase-tree is porous, and not suitable for most construction applications, although larger trees have more solid wood, which is.  The wood of even small vase-trees is still valuable for paper-making or fuel.  The fruits (in most species) are edible.  The fruits are typically semi-sour in flavor, yet nourishing, and have become the basis of several dishes in the cuisine of New Albuquerque.  The main economic value of the vase-tree lies in its ability to store water in the desert wastes.

Another use of the vase-tree is the downward-pointing spines that grow in the interior of the trunk.  These are often harvested and used as spears by Vorgon nomads.

The Tale of the Vase-tree

The tale of the vase-tree was a common creation myth among the Vorgon tribes of New Albuquerque.  The Vorgons are also known as "goblinoids", though this name is considered to be somewhat derogatory, because of their resemblance to goblins from human folklore. 

The gist of the tale is that when the gods created the world, they inhabited it solely with plants, the greatest of which was the vase-tree.  Little did the gods realize that the vase-trees would bring forth the Vorgon race (who are claimed to be the parents of all the other animals through a series of degenerate events).  The first Vorgons are said to have climbed out of the trunks of the vase-trees, bending inward the long spikes that vase-trees grow on their interiors, which had previously pointed upward.  This so upset the gods that they sent a great calamity to dry up most of the world's water to punish the vase-trees.


Motor Centaur

motor centaur-01.png

To the extent possible under law, Melvin M has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Motor Centaur. This work is published from: United States.

On the wild frontier worlds of the galaxy, a traveler may chance to encounter a Motor-centaur.  These are hybrid cybernetic organisms created when the upper body of a humanoid life-form is attached to a modified motorcycle.  Typically, the upper body is also modified for increased strength and durability, allowing the centaur to self-right more easily in the event of a fall.

The largest populations of motor-centaurs are associated with the Fractal Legions of Eris, who typically create them for use as cavalry. 

New Albuquerque in particular is known for its roving bands of these creatures.


Cielioid Evolution

Cielioids evolved from an ancestor similar to tumbleweeds on Earth.  These lightweight bushes would break off from their roots, and be carried by the wind to distribute their seeds. 

Some of these bushes evolved special leaves that could store water and nutrients after being separated from their roots in order to produce more seeds.  As time went on, some of the ancestor plants also developed specialized parts to digest insects, further extending their uprooted life.

In order to maximize their nutrition intake, and do some basic navigation, these plants evolved basic musculature and nervous systems that could move their branches and leaves a bit.  This proved so successful that the proto-Cielioids now spent most of their lives in an un-rooted state, after a short maturation.

Over a long span of time, the ancestors of the Cielioids lost much of their bushiness.  Their bodies gradually became large, single leaves that could flex to take advantage of the wind.  Some of these adapted to airborne life, while others developed basic limbs, torsos, and heads to live on land.

Gradually, the land-based ancestors of the Cielioids acquired an upright  posture in order to reach food sources that were off the ground and to see predators from a greater distance.

The first anatomically modern Cielioids appeared around half a million years ago.  Overall, their development of culture and technology has proceeded at a slower pace than that of the human race.