Convergence Node

Convergence Nodes are genetically engineered and cybernetically enhanced life-forms, developed by the greys that formed the Convergence. Convergence Nodes form the communication backbone of the Convergence hive-mind. Each node has a group of connected greys and other organisms that it oversees, and any Convergence ship larger than a short-range scout contains at least one node for coordination.

Convergence Nodes were engineered to solve the problem of long-distance communication, and their massive brains contain specialized organs that can send and receive spatial compression radio signals which they use to network with one another over astronomical distances. Convergence Nodes are little more than massive brains, though they do have a full grey body attached to the brain. The body is largely vestigial, as all the Node’s biological functions are handled through attached biomechanical systems.

Occasionally, (usually related to accident or violence) a Node dies without handing off its connected entities to another. In those cases the attached organisms are, at least temporarily, separated from the Convergence. If the separated organisms remain isolated from the Convergence long enough (which can happen naturally or through deliberate intervention), the attached organisms become a distinct hive-mind of their own with a unique personality. Typically, though, a transition to a new node happens in a planned and efficient manner, and all remain connected to the Convergence.

Motor Centaur

motor centaur-01.png

To the extent possible under law, Melvin M has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Motor Centaur. This work is published from: United States.

On the wild frontier worlds of the galaxy, a traveler may chance to encounter a Motor-centaur.  These are hybrid cybernetic organisms created when the upper body of a humanoid life-form is attached to a modified motorcycle.  Typically, the upper body is also modified for increased strength and durability, allowing the centaur to self-right more easily in the event of a fall.

The largest populations of motor-centaurs are associated with the Fractal Legions of Eris, who typically create them for use as cavalry. 

New Albuquerque in particular is known for its roving bands of these creatures.
