
The Nalanda



The Nalanda are an ancient race, native to the twin planets Malana and Agwanda (“The Twins”) in the Ileyo (meaning Heaven) system. They have a highly developed culture, and their art and music are prized across the galaxy. Their culture emphasizes harmony and peace, and seems to have remained remarkably stable over the course of their recorded history.

What has remained a mystery to archaeologists and historians, however, is how they managed to build the enormous space-bridge between their two planets when their own technological level could be most closely compared to the renaissance era. Their own folklore makes vague references to an ancient civilization known as “Zanath” that is said to have built it.

Explorers from the Planetary League made first contact with the Nalanda in GSC 208, and in GSC 248 the Great Council of Matriarchs had decided to join the league. Malana and Agwanda suffered the depredations of the Holy Empire of Man during the Great Reckoning, causing a great diaspora of the Nalanda.

“The Nalanda are the last remnants of an ancient civilization. If you are lucky enough to meet one, you may be lucky enough to survive.” -The Ranks of Man


Nalandan culture is matriarchal in structure with women holding the reigns of power. Their highest level of government is known as the Great Council of Matriarchs, which resides in the capitol at the center of the space-bridge.

Nalandan religion is polytheistic, with local regions having their own patron gods who all fit together into a grand pantheon. Customs and festivals vary widely from place to place, but the core ideas of beauty, balance and peace pervade the whole culture.


The Nalanda are humanoid omnivores, similar to humans in most respects. They are immediately recognizable by their tripple-lobed ears, chocolate brown skin (often highlighted with bright colors), and some distinct ridges at the bridge of the nose. In appearance, the Nalanda are slender and elegant, often to the point of androgyny. Adding further to the mystery of the Nalanda, biologists examining their DNA as well as the other species in their home environment have found evidence of advanced genetic engineering. Apparently the engineering in the Nalanda themselves focused on creating a certain cosmetic appearance, as the most clearly edited sequences pertain to body structure, vocal properties, and coloration.