Planetary League

The First Convergence War


Well before the first official contact between the Planetary League and the Convergence, there was a latent hostility between the Convergence and humanity. It stemmed from an incident in 1947 when a Convergence scout ship was temporarily disabled in the desert of New Mexico from radio interference. Ever since that time, the Convergence would occasionally send raiders to the unsuspecting Earth to play a series of mean-spirited pranks on the locals.

The direct roots f this conflict, however, began when a colony ship from the Planetary League arrived at New Promise in GSC 130. The human populace, essentially unaware of the Convergence’s very existence started to set up their technology and habitations on New Promise, including items that created the radio interference that disrupts the hive mind of the Convergence. The Convergence, for their part, had set up their own bases near the rogue planet Dogur-dann less than a light-year from New Promise.

When the Convergence realized that the humans were moving in on New Promise, they decided to launch a harassing offensive to drive them off. This is how the first convergence war started in GSC 132.

The Convergence Onslaught

Starting in GSC 132, the inhabitants of the newly settled agricultural colony on New Promise started experiencing a series of strange and terrifying phenomena, many of which were consistent with former reports of UFO sightings from previous eras on Earth. Strange, saucer-shaped craft were sighted in the skies, people were abducted and experimented on, livestock were mutilated. Panic spread through the colony. The local fleet of the PLIN was deployed, and a makeshift planetary defense force was hastily mobilized. Distress calls were sent to Earth, but the time for help to arrive would be measured in years before the development of FTL propulsion and communications.

Turning Point

For three frustrating years, the Planetary Defense Force fought against the convergence, with little to show for their efforts. Then, in GSC 135, a major turning point occurred when a Convergence ship was captured. In a matter of months, human scientists and engineers were able to reverse engineer Spatial Compression, and FTL communication technologies from the captured craft. With these new technologies, the Planetary League was able to mount a meaningful counteroffensive.

The Dogarri

Following retreating Convergence ships to their home base, in late GSC 138, the forces of the Planetary League discovered Dogur-dann, the home-world of the Dogarri nearby. The Convergence had been conducting a predatory series of raids on this planet, designed to gradually break the will of the Dogarri, and subject them to Convergence rule.

In early GSC 139, the Planetary League passed the Alien Assistance Act into law, creating the Alien Assistance Agency, and authorizing assistance to alien beings in need. Quickly, the Planetary League and the Dogarri formed an alliance to fight their mutual foe. After this point, the combined forces of the Planetary League and the Dogarri were able to fight off the Convergence with relative ease.

The End

The final battle of the war was the battle of Key Center in GSC 140. During this battle the Planetary League battleship fired the massive, Dogarri-engineered dispersion gun, destroying the Convergence mother-ship, and carving the 100-Meter Canyon.

Era-2 Overview

Era-2 starts with the birth of Potus Clarke, who would go on to be the god-Emperor of the Holy Empire of Man.  The imperial calendar starts with Clarke's birth, and denotes years as Year of the Emperor (abbreviated YE).  Where dates overlap with Era-1, the Galactic Standard Calendar (GSC) date is also noted. 

The Holy Empire of Man

The Holy Empire of Man (HEM) was the dominant faction of Era-2, conquering most of the galaxy, and ruling with an iron fist.  Founded under the aegis of the Church of God, with its capitol on Gabriel, the Empire was marked by its militarism, fanatical devotion to (and eventually worship of) the Emperor, and strict hierarchical society.  Those who stood in opposition were put down quickly and decisively.


YE 0:  The birth of Potus Clarke (GSC 915)

YE 23:  First Contact between the Planetary League and the Empire of 1,000,000 Suns (GSC 938)

YE 43:  Holy Empire of Man founded, coronation of Potus Clarke(GSC 958)

YE 43:  Start of the Great Reckoning (GSC 958)

YE 147:  The Fall of Earth (GSC 1062)

YE 613:  the Ascent from the Flesh (Emperor Clarke's body is henceforth wholly cybernetic)

YE 812:  Start of the War of the Empires

YE 10433:  End of the War of the Empires (Fall of the E1MS)

YE 30516:  The War of the Gods begins with the return of Troniac.

YE 51245:  End of the War of the Gods (Final defeat of Troniac)

YE 65248:  Start of the War of Galactic Unification

YE 70794:  Defeat of the Emperor, end of Era-2

Era-1 Overview

Era-1 starts with the founding of the Planetary League, (year 0 in the Galactic Standard Calendar), and continues until the fall of Earth at the end of the Great Reckoning (GSC 1062).

The Planetary League

Founded with the signing of the Treaty of Kepler in the year 2*** (GSC 0), the Planetary League came to dominate much of the galaxy during Era-1.  It was largely a time of peace and exploration, punctuated by relatively small-scale conflicts.

GSC 3: Founding of the Planetary League Astrophysical Survey(PLAS)

GSC 16:  The Mariner Valley Incident was a major landslide that killed hundreds of colonists, but many more were saved due to the timely actions of the Tardigrades.

GSC 25:  Official founding of the Autonomous Republic of Lindbergh.

GSC 33: The first explorers reach Paradise, one of the first worlds to be colonized beyond the Solar System.

GSC 55: The colony ship Garcia's Hope is lost in deep space, later to crash on New Albuquerque.

GSC 130: The first explorers reach New Promise, an early colony world, important for its complex biosphere and favorable conditions for agriculture.

GSC 132: First Contact (officially) with the Convergence at New Promise, and the beginning of the First Convergence War.

GSC 135:  (re-)Invention of the Spatial Compression Device, allowing FTL spaceflight. (End of the "Early Planetary League")

GSC 136: M.E.D.I.C. founded

GSC 138: The discovery of Dogur-dann leads to the end of the Non-Interference Doctrine with the Alien Assistance Act of GSC 139.

GSC 139: Passage of the Alien Assistance Act, founding of the PLAAA

GSC 140: Battle of Key Center, end of the First Convergence War

GSC 142: First explorers at Aldebaran-2.

GSC 150: University of Aldebaran-2 founded.

GSC 173: Zoe Bonnard is born, she will go on to be one of the greatest explorers of Era-1, and famous throughout the galaxy.

GSC 179: Explorers from the Planetary League arrive on Takara Prime, home-world of the Takarrans. See: Exodus

GSC 184: Beginning of the Second Robot War

GSC 201: The Lucifer System is explored (Zoe Bonnard)

GSC 203:  Shoji discovered by Zoe Bonnard.

GSC 205: First contact with the Jovians (Bonnard).

GSC 208: Planetary League makes first contact with the Nalanda.

GSC 245: Zoe Bonnard dies at Bonnard’s End

GSC 248: The Nalanda join the Planetary League.

GSC 842: Birth of Saint Valgar, a key figure in the spread of the Church of God.

GSC 915: The birth of Potus Clarke who would become a general in the Planetary League armed forces, and then go on to become Emperor of the Holy Empire of Man.

GSC 938:  First contact between the Planetary League and the Empire of 1,000,000 Suns

GSC 958:  Founding of the Holy Empire of Man, and the beginning of the Great Reckoning

GSC 1062:  The Fall of Earth, end of Era-1