Era-2 Overview

Era-2 starts with the birth of Potus Clarke, who would go on to be the god-Emperor of the Holy Empire of Man.  The imperial calendar starts with Clarke's birth, and denotes years as Year of the Emperor (abbreviated YE).  Where dates overlap with Era-1, the Galactic Standard Calendar (GSC) date is also noted. 

The Holy Empire of Man

The Holy Empire of Man (HEM) was the dominant faction of Era-2, conquering most of the galaxy, and ruling with an iron fist.  Founded under the aegis of the Church of God, with its capitol on Gabriel, the Empire was marked by its militarism, fanatical devotion to (and eventually worship of) the Emperor, and strict hierarchical society.  Those who stood in opposition were put down quickly and decisively.


YE 0:  The birth of Potus Clarke (GSC 915)

YE 23:  First Contact between the Planetary League and the Empire of 1,000,000 Suns (GSC 938)

YE 43:  Holy Empire of Man founded, coronation of Potus Clarke(GSC 958)

YE 43:  Start of the Great Reckoning (GSC 958)

YE 147:  The Fall of Earth (GSC 1062)

YE 613:  the Ascent from the Flesh (Emperor Clarke's body is henceforth wholly cybernetic)

YE 812:  Start of the War of the Empires

YE 10433:  End of the War of the Empires (Fall of the E1MS)

YE 30516:  The War of the Gods begins with the return of Troniac.

YE 51245:  End of the War of the Gods (Final defeat of Troniac)

YE 65248:  Start of the War of Galactic Unification

YE 70794:  Defeat of the Emperor, end of Era-2

Era-1 Overview

Era-1 starts with the founding of the Planetary League, (year 0 in the Galactic Standard Calendar), and continues until the fall of Earth at the end of the Great Reckoning (GSC 1062).

The Planetary League

Founded with the signing of the Treaty of Kepler in the year 2*** (GSC 0), the Planetary League came to dominate much of the galaxy during Era-1.  It was largely a time of peace and exploration, punctuated by relatively small-scale conflicts.

GSC 3: Founding of the Planetary League Astrophysical Survey(PLAS)

GSC 16:  The Mariner Valley Incident was a major landslide that killed hundreds of colonists, but many more were saved due to the timely actions of the Tardigrades.

GSC 25:  Official founding of the Autonomous Republic of Lindbergh.

GSC 33: The first explorers reach Paradise, one of the first worlds to be colonized beyond the Solar System.

GSC 55: The colony ship Garcia's Hope is lost in deep space, later to crash on New Albuquerque.

GSC 130: The first explorers reach New Promise, an early colony world, important for its complex biosphere and favorable conditions for agriculture.

GSC 132: First Contact (officially) with the Convergence at New Promise, and the beginning of the First Convergence War.

GSC 135:  (re-)Invention of the Spatial Compression Device, allowing FTL spaceflight. (End of the "Early Planetary League")

GSC 136: M.E.D.I.C. founded

GSC 138: The discovery of Dogur-dann leads to the end of the Non-Interference Doctrine with the Alien Assistance Act of GSC 139.

GSC 139: Passage of the Alien Assistance Act, founding of the PLAAA

GSC 140: Battle of Key Center, end of the First Convergence War

GSC 142: First explorers at Aldebaran-2.

GSC 150: University of Aldebaran-2 founded.

GSC 173: Zoe Bonnard is born, she will go on to be one of the greatest explorers of Era-1, and famous throughout the galaxy.

GSC 179: Explorers from the Planetary League arrive on Takara Prime, home-world of the Takarrans. See: Exodus

GSC 184: Beginning of the Second Robot War

GSC 201: The Lucifer System is explored (Zoe Bonnard)

GSC 203:  Shoji discovered by Zoe Bonnard.

GSC 205: First contact with the Jovians (Bonnard).

GSC 208: Planetary League makes first contact with the Nalanda.

GSC 245: Zoe Bonnard dies at Bonnard’s End

GSC 248: The Nalanda join the Planetary League.

GSC 842: Birth of Saint Valgar, a key figure in the spread of the Church of God.

GSC 915: The birth of Potus Clarke who would become a general in the Planetary League armed forces, and then go on to become Emperor of the Holy Empire of Man.

GSC 938:  First contact between the Planetary League and the Empire of 1,000,000 Suns

GSC 958:  Founding of the Holy Empire of Man, and the beginning of the Great Reckoning

GSC 1062:  The Fall of Earth, end of Era-1

Era-0 Overview

Era Zero starts at the beginning of the universe, and continues into the near future. 


The first glimmer of life and civilization in the galaxy was fabled Zanath.  Little is known about this ancient civilization beyond hazily recounted legend.  Founded perhaps a million years ago, Zanath was said to be the home of the creators of the mysterious Zanathian Gates, ancient, long deactivated Star-gates found in several star-systems throughout the galaxy.


The Empire of 1,000,000 Suns

Around one hundred thousand years ago, the Empire of 1,000,000 Suns (E1MS) was founded by Cielioids in the region of space known as the Spozak.  This empire spread throughout the Spozak, but stayed within its bounds, being led by a strict, conservative caste system culminating with the Emperor.

Large numbers of Ool-Tyr and Nalorgians formed pirate bands, and eventually became the basis of the dreaded "Nomad Armies".

Kroah Dashan was a prolific inventor who created many of the technologies the E1MS needed to survive and grow.

A group of Greys known as the Convergence left the Empire in search of a place without the radio interference of civilized space that interfered with their hive minds.

The E1MS relied heavily on robotic labor, and when the robots rose in rebellion, led by the mysterious Troniac, the 1,000 Years War shook the Empire to its foundations.  In order to win this epic conflict, the Empire created General Zarlok.  The war was ended when Zarlok banished Troniac to a distant part of the universe through an unstable wormhole, but a large fraction of the Cult of Troniac remained.

During and after the 1,000 Years War, many groups split off from the E1MS to form the Breakaway States. 

After the war, General Zarlok turned on the Empire in a devastating attack on Artanis 4.  As a result, Zarlok's AI was banished from the E1MS, into "uninhabited" space.

In the aftermath of the war, the Empire experienced a major cultural realignment, and became a constitutional monarchy, but continued to expand slowly.



Human history is the merest blink of an eye in the scale of cosmic time. In the near future, the Earth will undergo a period of turmoil and environmental degradation that will cause many to seek out new places to live.

Gazillion, inc. built several research stations that formed the beginnings of one of the largest of the corporate states.  One of these stations intercepted the AI program of General Zarlok, setting in motion the Robot Wars, and the creation of the Engine of Negation.

Mars will be one of the important early colony worlds.

The Moon had a significant amount of settlement during Era-0.

The massive space station known as New Eden will be operated by the Edenites as a source of food and other agricultural products.

Venus also had a fair amount of colonization in the form of buoyant cities that floated on the planet's dense atmosphere.


Era-0 officially ended when the Earth, the Moon, Mars, and Venus founded the Planetary League with the signing of the Treaty of Kepler.