Added a bunch of 100x100 sprites to the Sprite Gallery today, mostly depicting various items from the setting. Free to use as you see fit, powered by CC0.
Burlix Hubart
Burlix Hubart is the Mayor of Fructose City on Neo Jalisco. He is a Jovian. Fructose City was named for Fructose Distillation Unit 24, one of the founders of the city that sprang up around the Ziggurat.
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Concept art gallery
New in the Works Section: The Concept Art Gallery is now up. The first art is some concept sketches of Troniac by Bob Hall (one of the great comic book artists of our time). If you want to see his final creation, why not come to ConStellation 9 in Lincoln Ne on April 20-22, where it will be unveiled.
PLAS uniforms
I added images of uniforms, plus information about the five branches of the Planetary League Astrophysical Survey (PLAS).