Instead of building the entire game from scratch, I decided to use RPG Maker MV, and make it a JRPG. I've made a bunch of art-assets, but there is still much to be done.
Bonnard's End
Added Bonnard's End to the WIP Page.
You are a clone: born and raised to work in the heat mills of Delta Tauri. When your ship crashes on the way, you are confronted with a new problem: the freedom to thrive or perish in the untamed wilds of Bonnard's End.
Various revisions
Edited a few posts today. Added a note about how the Stormrunner's engines were affectionately known as "Hippies". I've been putting together a browser-based game set in the Beyond the Spozak universe. The working title is "Bonnard's End".
Sprite progress
The Modular Space Station Sprite sheet is growing.