An article on star-gates is now on the Tech Page.
The Nalaxian Code
The Cult of Troniac is driven forward by the Creed of Troniac, an immensely powerful piece of software that directs the cult's members. There is only one algorithm known that is strong enough to defeat the Creed of Troniac, and it is called The Nalaxian Code.
Saurexian Rock-Toads, and Revenants
Saurexian Rock-Toads are now on the Life-forms page, and Revenants are on the Technology page. Both were inspired by Cliff Taylor's story, Tail of the Toad God.
Cargo Robots
An article on Cargo Robots is now on the Tech Page. The PK-5 from Ares Systems is a popular example of this type of robot.