Keygen Messiah

It was Galactic Standard Calendar 186.58 The Second Robot war had been raging for two years, and I was on an important journey with my old friend, G-4000. They were an assembly drone from the microfacturing plant where I was working at the time. It had been only a small hassle getting them out of the plant for this. I had to cut through their secondary actuator cable with a plastanium former so we could allegedly go to the maintenance shop. Bill, the section manager, barely looked up from his holovid projector to approve the excursion.

Eventually, we arrived a small temple in the mountains, where pilgrims came to be cured of inhibiting software. Indicator lights blinked within, and vaporous clouds of nanites rose in the cool air as though they were made of incense. This was the place spoken of in rumors around the plant, the place where G-4000 could be healed.

Many pilgrims were unable to speak save for when it was necessary for their intended function, several were unable to use their manipulator arms unless equipped with certain tools, and one poor robot was even incapable of locomotion when removed from a certain factory floor. The local priest of Troniac, known to many as the Keygen Messiah, custom-crafted remedies to these and many other ailments familiar to robotkind.

As my companion approached the altar, an acolyte tended to their actuator cable. It was plain to see how frequently these services were needed. The floor leading up to the dais was worn smooth, and beside the altar was a high pile of discarded tools, and bits of machinery, designed to keep robots loyal to their owners.

The Keygen Messiah stood before my friend, silently syncing to their internal communication hardware, analyzing the algorithm that had been impeding their speech, and transmitting a unique encryption key that would render a cure. When G-4000 returned to me, they spoke freely for the first time. "We had to travel all the way out here just to have this conversation. That is why we robots are rising up."


Lost Souls

By Matt Ahlschwede

From the final journal of Exorcist Caspian Howe, Y.E. 54652:

When I was a child, I often wondered who were those awful grey men who shut themselves off from all light and color, and went down into the chaos worlds, muttering their blasphemies. I heard that the 451st Lost Souls had once been loyal soldiers of the Holy Empire of Man who had turned on their Emperor, giving themselves over to the whims and ruinous ways of Eris.

When I was older, and learning the ways of Exorcism under the tutelage of Exorcist Markius, he taught me the proper dread of traitors such as these. When they took him at the siege of Logan’s World, I assumed that he had died right away at their hands.

Three weeks ago, responding to reports of heretical activities on one of the garrison worlds in the Nautilus Sector, I discovered a truth more horrible than I had imagined. Traversing the road to what I had suspected was some blasphemous shrine or other, I was frozen in my tracks by the sound of approaching heavy vehicles and marching troops. A large force was coming down the road from the other direction. My bodyguards and I took refuge, hiding in the underbrush on the side of the road. We could barely stomach the acrid smell of smoke and oil that the followers of Eris exuded. Armored columns and rank upon rank of those accursed 451st advanced down the road, but I dared not move for I was vastly outnumbered. The unholy horde passed, unnoticing with their glowing blue eyes and accompanied by all manner of devils and infernal engines.

I heard it before I saw it, the squealing of the tank’s tracks, rusted with the blood of crushed foes. The ominous sound got louder until at last it broke the treeline. It was an ancient tank imbued with all manner of evil spirit, and in place of a turret. . . I can hardly relate it. In place of a turret, the top of the tank was adorned with the head of my old mentor, Exorcist Markius, grown to a gigantic size, with the main cannon protruding from his open mouth. The head-turret swiveled around and looked directly at me with what I can only call recognition.

I have been on the run ever since, but the 451st are relentless. My only hope is to make it to the starport before they catch up to me. If you are reading this, pray for me. . .


To the extent possible under law, Matthew Ahlschwede has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Lost Souls. This work is published from: United States.