The Imperial Saucer


The Imperial Saucer was the personal flagship and space-faring palace of the Emperor of the Empire of 1,000,000 Suns.  Initially the Emperor's ship had been a long, leaf-shaped craft along the lines of most imperial capitol ships, but after the rise of Gronnic Polymancy, was redesigned into its iconic saucer-shape, laden with Gronnic symbolism.


The Imperial Saucer was the size of a large city, housing all the necessities and luxuries an Emperor could desire while traversing an enormous realm. 

While the saucer its self was unarmed, it was one of the few ships in the imperial fleet to make use of both barrier shields and spatial compression technology (with a compression ratio of 500:1, it was also one of the fastest ships in the Empire).  Also, the underside of its hull was dominated by a single large star-gate leading to the fortress world Fnarlang Belann, where a fully armed and ready fleet of warships waited on constant alert to come to the Emperor's aid. 

Cultural Significance

In addition to being an immediate symbol of the Emperor's power, where countless subjects would come seeking favor whenever it came near an inhabited world or station, it was also a cultural center in its own right.  The Imperial Saucer housed several of the holiest shrines in Gronnic Polymancy, and had a thriving arts and culture scene created primarily for the entertainment of the imperial court.

Among the waste disposal castes (primarily Greys, and Cielioid Greys), the Imperial Saucer held a special cachet as the source of the highest grades of waste.  In fact, the Imperial Saucer was held in such high regard by the Greys that when the Convergence broke away from the Empire, it was the whole inspiration for all of their saucer-shaped spacecraft.

The Angel of Annihilation

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The Angel of Annihilation was commissioned shortly after the end of the Great Reckoning, as the flagship of the first Triumphal Fleet.  She served out the duration of the War of the Empires leading the Triumphal Fleet, and participated in several major battles, including the second battle of Scharlaff.  Angel of Annihilation was finally destroyed during the War of the Gods at the siege of Berwynne's Reach.


Angel of Annihilation's main armament was a massive Kugelblitz Projector mounted in her center fuselage.  She also carried dozens of fighter bays and hundreds of torpedo tubes, most of these were in her "wings". 

Defense was provided by both heavy deflector shields, and an extensive array of point-defense lasers.

Angel of Annihilation also carried a substantial contingent of soldiers along with landing and boarding craft.  The central, cylindrical section of her hull contained two massive centrifuges where the troops, and the crew could train at high gravity.

Power and Propulsion

The Angel of Annihilation's main power source was a matrix of antimatter crystals held in her main engineering bay.  This was backed up by banks of hypercapacitors throughout the ship. 

Main propulsion was provided by three High Impulse Ion drives, providing up to three Gs of acceleration.  Her sub-light cruising speed was 0.5c.  Her spatial compression ratio was 75000:1 when she was commissioned, and was later upgraded to 150,000:1 midway through the War of the Empires.