



Bravaxia is a fairly young (~ 3 billion standard years) terrestrial planet on the western fringes of the Perseus arm of the galaxy. About half a million standard years ago, the intelligent species known as Bravaxians evolved there, living a hunter-gatherer lifestyle.

Bravaxia was conquered by the Convergence around 30,000 years ago. The Convergence taught the Bravaxians agriculture, and subjected them to brainwashing and hard labor producing food supplies by bio-engineering “gods” for them to worship and sacrifice their produce to.

During the Third Convergence War, Bravaxia was liberated by the Planetary League, and became an independent planet.

Later, around Y.E. 12162, the planet was conquered by the Holy Empire of Man as part of the 4th Holy Struggle of the Outer Realms.

In Y.E. 65473 Bravaxia threw off the Imperial yoke, and joined the Galactic Republic, where it has remained.


The surface of Bravaxia is mostly covered in oceans, with one large continent dominating the western hemisphere, two smaller continents in the east, and one small continent in south polar region. The planet’s close proximity to its sun and dense atmosphere keep a strong prevailing wind blowing from west to east across most of its surface. Seasons are relatively mild, and most of the surface has a tropical to subtropical climate. Several mountain ranges run north to south, and most of the land is dominated by a unique biome, known as the wind-forest. The wind-forests are dominated by trees with large triangular leaves that constantly blow in the wind, so that the sunlight reaching the forest floor is mottled and flickering.


Bravaxia is home to a number of unique life forms:

Bravaxians are the native intelligence. Short, green, eight-legged beings with a “b-type” palate (they prefer flavors and scents that humans find disgusting).

Garbage-fruit is a large, edible melon favored by Bravaxians and Greys, but bland to humans.

The Grunkle-fly is a insect-like animal, about the size of a watermelon, and a favorite food of Bravaxians and Greys alike.

The Soup-beast is a large land predator with a hard outer shell. On death its internal organs turn into a soup-like liquid that is delicious, yet disgusting to humans.