


Dionysus orbits a G-class star (like the Sun), in a solar system with about a dozen planets.  

When it was first visited by explorers from the Planetary League, ( in GSC 155) Dionysus was home to a large number of hunter/gatherers and a handful of city-states at a bronze-age level of development.  The local people look essentially human, except for some distinct ridges on their foreheads, and are known as Dionysians.  

An important feature of the planet is that many of the fruit trees have evolved in such a way that the fruit has a high alcohol content.  The fruit comes in a wide variety of flavors and forms, and is a highly sought-after commodity. After the Planetary League arrived, the alcoholic fruit became Dionysus's chief export. Within about a century, many of the local cultures had created an ad-hoc government that moved immediately to join the Planetary League. The ad-hoc government and the Planetary League were careful to protect the locals who had relatively little exposure to the outside world, but in the later years of era-1, outside business interests were able to start exploiting the planet and its people.

Dionysus was conquered by the Holy Empire of Man after the official end of the Great Reckoning, before the War of the Empires.  The local garrison was small, and the battle was one-sided.  Dionysian fruit graced the tables of the Emperor and the imperial court throughout Era-2 until Dionysus joined the Galactic Republic, after a short, relatively peaceful revolution during the War of Galactic Unification.

Notable native life-forms

Del-Brikki is a tree that bears alcoholic fruit, and is one of Dionysus’ chief exports.

Dionysians are the native inhabitants of Dionysus.