The University of Aldebaran 2



In GSC 142, early in Era-1, when explorers arrived at the Aldebaran system, they found a semi-inhabitable world, Aldebaran 2, with a diverse biosphere.  It had a variety of unique geological features and a few semi-valuable mineral deposits.

A research outpost was established, and the science started pouring in.  New species were rapidly discovered, exotic mineral formations abounded, and the outpost grew.

The Planetary League Astrophysical Survey started using the planet as a training ground for explorers, and the first educational institution at Aldebaran 2 was the PLAS Academy, housed in an O’Neill Cylinder in high orbit.

As time went on, the outpost specialized as a place where new scientists were taught how to do field-work.  The outpost became a learning institution in its own right, eventually gaining accreditation within the Planetary League as a University in GSC 150.

The University of Aldebaran 2 rose in stature to become the preeminent center of advanced learning in the Planetary League.  The best and brightest of the galaxy flooded in to get the best education available.   As time went on the University continued to grow, until the entire planet was an enormous campus.

The ruins of several primitive civilizations, and one rather advanced civilization were unearthed, and the tide of new knowledge was further bolstered.  It is believed by many that the more advanced ruins were an outpost of the fabled, ancient civilization of Zanath.  For a planet as young as Aldebaran 2, the number of archaeological sites was remarkable.  Unfortunately, the events that followed would prevent a full understanding of these archaeological discoveries.

When the Great Reckoning swept the galaxy, The University, and indeed the planet suffered the worst at the hands of the Empire.  Various weapons of mass destruction were used, torture camps were filled to capacity, and all manner of hideous experiments were inflicted on the population.  After the planet was thoroughly brutalized, the entire biosphere was burned off by the Purification Fleet. Only the Hammer of Redemption was spared, and Aldebaran 2 remained as a lifeless ember.


The Crystal Canyon is both an object of study for scientists and a popular tourist destination.


Lantern-vine is a popular ornamental plant, native to Aldebaran 2, with bio-luminescent flowers.


The University was the galaxy's largest employer of the Gorox, an intelligent species that hibernates most of the time, but lives a Methuselan  lifespan.  The Gorox are celebrated for their long-term memories.

Scientists working at the University discovered methods of reprogramming Virobots for a variety of useful purposes.