Kroah Dashan

The Cielioid Poet

Subspecies Description

The Poet subspecies of Cielioid was engineered to make leaps of creativity and intuition.  As a result, they spend much of their time in a twilight state between wakefulness and sleep.  Poets typically pursue careers in the arts.  Poets have two pairs of arms, one for fine manipulation and one for heavier lifting.  Poets also have two pairs of eyes, one for close detailed work, and the other for taking in broader vistas.

Early in the history of the Empire, there lived a great engineer and inventor, known as Kroah Dashan, who was from the “poet” subspecies of Cielioid, even though poets typically pursue careers in the arts, and most engineers come from the “Brain” or “Watchmaker” subspecies.  Kroah Dashan first developed many of the advanced technologies that enabled the Empire to grow, including  a version of the Entanglement device, and an improved spatial-compression device.  As a result, the government has been trying ever since to encourage poets to pursue careers in engineering with little success.