Cielioid Boxer


Notable Subspecies

The Boxer is adapted to heavy labor and hand-to-hand combat.

The Brain is adapted for high intelligence and memory.

The Centaur is adapted to industrial work and carrying heavy burdens.

The Cielioid Grey is adapted to sanitation and waste collection.

The Philosopher is adapted to mindfulness and logic.

The Pilot is adapted to the operation of spacecraft.

The Poet is adapted to make leaps of intuition.

Cielioid Boxer

Subspecies Description

The boxer is a Cielioid adapted to hand to hand combat.  The Boxer cuts a towering figure, heavily muscled with hands built to inflict the maximum amount of damage, and no head or neck separate from its body.  The biggest psychological adaptations of the boxer subspecies are a propensity for aggression and respect for authority.

Most boxers find employment in law enforcement or the military.  Boxers are also in demand as enforcers among criminal organizations.  When boxers are employed outside of these fields, care is usually taken to place them under the command of a mentor/ boss who they respect, and to minimize their aggression.  Under the right circumstances, Boxers also excel in performing heavy labor, which was significant in the 1,000 Years War.

Boxers generally live shorter lives than most Cielioids, due to their high metabolisms.  A typical Boxer lives to about 50 years old.