The Vorgon Empire was founded out of the diaspora of vorgons leaving New Albuquerque after the end of the Thousand Years War. During that war, New Albuquerque had become a dumping ground for wrecked and obsolete military hardware from the Empire of 1,000 Suns. The native vorgons, who previously lacked advanced technology, claimed this scrap as their own. Those who had the most resources and the greatest skill and curiosity refurbished and bashed together a makeshift fleet of star-ships, and set off to create their own empire.
The Fleet Era ended when Kragg the Bold unified the diaspora at the Battle of Sker. Sker became the capitol of the new empire which was named Vorgon (meaning mighty conquerors). Due to a lack of technical knowledge and constant infighting, the empire grew quite slowly. By the time of first contact with the Planetary League in GSC 202, the Vorgon Empire still comprised less than 1000 star systems. The empire grew almost solely through conquest, with very little else. What growth there was came primarily from the exploitation of less advanced civilizations. The empire fought constantly with their more advanced neighbors ( the E1MS, the Planetaru League, and the Convergence), but they were sorely outmatched, and rarely gained any territory in this way.
The Deadly Skrapperz, a raiding party from the Vorgon Empire.
The Vorgon Empire had a complex relationship with their galactic neighbors, the Convergence. Occasionally, there was peace between the two powers, but more often a long series of minor conflicts, often incredibly petty. The vorgons and the Convergence; however did share a common enemy in the Planetary League, and after GSC 202, relations between the Vorgon Empire and the Convergence improved substantially. From time to time the Vorgon Empire and the Convergence would ally to fight against the League. On more than one occasion, however, the petty infighting would resurface even during such a conflict and cost both the vorgons and the Convergence a potential victory.
The Vorgon Empire would continue growing slowly and persist until being conquered outright by the Holy Empire of Man shortly before the War of the Empires.
The Grand Coin is the emblem of the Vorgon Empire.