The Galactic Republic

Cultural Outline


The architecture of the Galactic Republic is composed of semi-organic, shape-shifting structures that reorganize themselves to suit the function they are performing at the time, as well as the style desired by their occupants.  These structures are created by a process mixing nano-fabrication with the growth of engineered organic components.  

Art and Literature

The beings of the Galactic Republic enjoy and participate in all manner of aesthetic  experiences, and usually share these with others via the Galactic Consciousness.

Clothing and Fashion

Biotechnology has obviated the need for most clothing, although the beings of the Republic do take the time and care to arrange themselves in aesthetically pleasing ways.  What clothing exists tends to be either purely ornamental or purely functional.


Most of the time, communications within the Galactic Republic are handled directly through the Galactic Consciousness using Interlang, a synthetic combination of the various languages of the galaxy.  When communicating with outsiders, the Galactic Consciousness can generally supply the appropriate expressions and provide translations.


The Galactic Republic is officially a secular entity, but the Galactic Consciousness is constantly integrating information from all available perspectives, analized through the various available philosophies and religions to achieve the clearest, most accurate view of reality possible.

The Galactic Republic


Early in Era-2, after the end of the Great Reckoning, the remnants of the Planetary League regrouped on the far flung world of Tartarus Prime at the edge of the galaxy.  From that humble beginning, a movement would grow that would unite the galaxy.  The Galactic Republic was founded on many of the same ideals as the Planetary League, with the added goal to unite the various life-forms and intelligences into a single mass-consciousness.  

As time went on, the Galactic Republic grew.  First wanderers and explorers came, then various people fleeing from the Holy Empire of Man.  The survivors from the E1MS, after the War of the Empires joined the Galactic Republic, as did those from the cult of Troniac after the War of the Gods.  All the other wars generated refugees as well.  The Holy Empire of Man was constantly purging heretics, mutants, and anyone else seen as the other, and so the Galactic Republic had a steady stream of new members.  

The Galactic Republic also kept the arts and sciences alive in the galaxy as the Holy Empire of Man clamped down on individual expression and exploration.   The majority of the expansion, known as the War of Galactic Unification, was actually peaceful, consisting of the cultural and economic assimilation of the many enemies of the Empire of Man.  There were some significant military campaigns and major battles, but they tended to be few and far between, all the while the Galactic Consciousness expanded.  When there was violent conflict, it also tended to end quickly and decisively in the favor of the Galactic Republic, because of their vast technological advantage.

After the defeat of the Emperor, a massive pan-galactic parliament was established as an outward manifestation of the Galactic Consciousness, essentially an outward manifestation of the galaxy's thoughts.  Only a handful of planets stayed out of the Galactic Republic, and these remained peaceful. 

Era-3 was an era of harmony, as the Galactic Republic transformed the lives of its citizens, and started to explore beyond the galaxy. . .