
based on an original concept by Fred Graves


The Edenite movement is primarily a cross-pollination of two subcultures, the hippies and the furries.  Edenites pursue a nature-centric philosophy, and use the latest in bio-enhancement and body-modification technology to give themselves animal-like appearances and characteristics.  Wherever they go, Edenites promote biodiversity, and their unique brand of culture.  

Religion among Edenites typically includes a large proportion of new-age and pagan beliefs pulling from a diverse array of sources. 

Edenites are often associated with vice, as they maintain both liberal sexual mores (derived from both hippie and furry sources), and an active drug culture centering on marijuana(mainly from the hippy side).

An important institution of Edenite culture is the body modification parlor, (often known as Moreau Clinics), where the human form is sculpted into more animal-like configurations.  The most popular of these are the widespread chain known as 神の毛 (a Japanese pun that translates as "Divine Fur").

The Children of the Earth are a radical faction of Edenites, who seek to de-evolve themselves into more “natural”, animal-like beings by splicing animal genes into their DNA.  Many do not survive the process, or suffer from horrific side-effects.  Since the alterations are genetic, mutations accumulate as generations pass, causing unpredictable results.


In the closing years of Era-0, as the planet Earth grew more crowded and polluted, a ferment of philosophies and subcultures coalesced around the notion of preserving biodiversity, while celebrating the more natural, animal aspects of human nature.  Many within the movement wanted to remain on, and maintain the Earth, but a large contingent decided that the best thing to maintain biodiversity and healthy ecosystems in the future was to build an ark to house various species.  The huge space habitat, known as New Eden was the result of these efforts, and it became the focal point for the Edenite movement.

New Eden never joined the Planetary League, but remained as an independent entity.  The Edenites never founded an official state, but did set up communes alongside other colonies, especially on planets with pre-existing biospheres. Edenite communes were places where local nature was preserved, alongside various imported species.  Edenites were careful not to let their imported organisms become invasive, though on a few occasions Edenite communes ended up accidentally transforming native biospheres.  Edenite communes also occasionally took on the form of space habitats, where hybrid ecosystems consisting of complimentary organisms from different planets lived together.

Notable Edenite colonies included Silvernote Hollow on New Promise.

Throughout Era-1, Edenites continually came into conflict with the corporate state of Cosmid, a company centered around the idea of owning, controlling, and profiting from the processes of life.

During the Great Reckoning, New Eden was destroyed by the Holy Empire of Man.  While many Edenites and Edenite communes resisted the Empire, many more fled to the outer rim of the galaxy where they joined with the nascent Galactic Republic.