After the failure of several early colonies, the Planetary League founded a special organization, known as the Tardigrades (named for the resilient micro-animals). Their mission was primarily to survive, and to assist in rebuilding and recovery when catastrophic events overtook colonies and outposts. The founding of the Tardigrades dates from very early in the history of the Planetary League, even before the beginning of interstellar space exploration.
The organization was inspired by the monastic orders of the past, and the Tardigrades were usually deployed in small outposts in barren or marginally habitable environments to keep their survival skills honed. Continuing education, especially regarding the practical skills necessary to survive, was part of their daily regimen.
Tardigrades typically operated in small units, known as "Pods", generally consisting of five members. Most Pods included an officer, a medic, an engineer, a "security specialist", and a "designated specialist".
The Officer led the Pod, and was accountable to a military-style chain-of-command.
The Medic was in charge of treating medical conditions, and generally had some additional scientific training as well.
The Engineer was responsible for maintaining the Pod's equipment, and was frequently involved with construction projects as well.
The Security Specialist was often equipped with the heavy "Water Bear" armor, and heavily armed; security specialists had to defend against a wide array of threats present on the frontier of space.
The Designated Specialist was an organizational slot used to adapt a pod to its particular mission. Designated Specialists were often pilots, but scientists, communication specialists, technicians, and various others were not uncommon.
The Tardigrades were hand picked from the most resilient and adaptable. Most of them came from the armed forces, but many civilians became Tardigrades as well.
The Tardigrades developed a unique set of equipment to assist them in their missions, including the distinctive Tardigrade Powered Armor.
During the Great Reckoning, the Tardigrades helped those loyal to the Planetary League escape the Holy Empire of Man.
During Era-2, the Tardigrades helped many local rebellions and independence movements, and generally resisted the Empire. Although, some Tardigrades did leave the organization to join the Empire or become mercenaries, the bulk of them remained. As Era-2 progressed, and the general level of scientific and technological literacy declined, many of the Tardigrades turned to Technomancy (the use of advanced technology or scientific knowledge to give the appearance of the supernatural), as a means to achieve their ends.
During the War of Galactic Unification, the remaining Tardigrades helped the Galactic Republic defeat the Empire.
The Tardigrade Anthem (1st verse, early Era-1)
“In the void, and the darkness,
and the blaze of the stars,
from the mountains of Io,
to the canyons of Mars,
we’ll banish the chaos,
with Humanity’s* light,
for we are the Tardigrades,
defenders of right!””
The reference to "the mountains of Io" relates to the earliest group to bear the name Tardigrades, a search and rescue unit sent by the Planetary League to assist miners during a mining boom on Io.
The "canyons of Mars" references the infamous Mariner Valley incident of GSC 16, when hundreds of colonists were killed in a massive landslide, but many more were saved due to a timely intervention by the Tardigrades.
*The reference to "Humanity's light" was changed to "Liberty's light" after the Alien Assistance Act of GSC 139, as the prospect of aliens joining the league became a recognized possibility.
The Tardigrade insignia