Bonnard's End

Saint Valgar

Born Marcus Valgar in the year GSC: 842, Saint Valgar was a central figure in the early history of the Church of God

The son of poor farmers on the planet Midori in the corporate state of Cosmid, Marcus Valgar dreamed of escaping the monotonous grind of farm life.  He found it first in religion, having been raised in the Church of God, but having a powerful religious experience at the age of fifteen (likely the result of ongoing mind-control experiments by Cosmid), and then in travel on behalf of the Church as a missionary.

Valgar spent most of his adult life traveling the eastern rim of the Planetary League, spreading the faith on frontier worlds, and quelling the occasional heresy.  He traveled widely, spreading the Church of God from Midori to Gabriel, and beyond.

Valgar died in GSC 10,153, trying to make converts on Bonnard's End,  when he was attacked by the forces of the Engine of Negation.  Saint Valgar is remembered and venerated as a martyr by the Church of God.

Zoe Bonnard


Zoe Bonnard was a famous explorer during Era-1, she was known to bravely venture into the unknown.  She was also flamboyant, and a bit of a show-off, usually seen in eye-catching apparel when not on duty.  When on EVA, her customized Super-Scarab light powered armor, in metallic purple with gold trim, which she typically wore with a bubble-helmet to show off her looks, and a Blas-tronics multi-pistol on her hip was her usual attire.  She made an impression wherever she went.

Early Life

Born on the planet New Promise, to a wealthy merchant family in GSC 173.  She received an elite education, and excelled in her studies.  Zoe loved the spotlight, and this motivated her to be the first to discover many new things, and excel at her work. 

Her love of exploration was sparked early in life while traveling with her father on business trips, which he often took her along on, because he wanted her to eventually take over the family business.  Zoe had other ideas, and her early life of wealth, combined with her natural good looks allowed her to get away with nearly anything.

Getting away with nearly anything came to an abrupt halt upon entering the Planetary League Astrophysical Survey Academy, and her time there taught her to focus her will to achieve her goals. While at the academy she met and was mentored by Sunset, the famous Takarran scout, who taught her a great deal.




Her long and storied career in the Planetary League Astrophysical Survey (PLAS) included the discovery of many new planets, including Bonnard's World.

Discovered the planet Shoji in GSC 200.

Her career, and life were ended when a gravity storm caught her ship beyond the Veil of Fear, sending it off course to crash on the planet that would be known as Bonnard's End.  Bonnard died while heroically saving her ship and crew, who became the first inhabitants of Bonnard's End in GSC 245.

Crisis Squadron

Bonnard was effectively resurrected in GSC 1062, via old brain scans and a cloned body, to become the leader of the Crisis Squadron, an infamous band of rebels that fought the Holy Empire of Man on countless occasions.