Here is the design of the uniform worn by field operatives with the Planetary League Alien Assistance Agency. Like other uniforms for various agencies of the Planetary League, it is simple, functional and color-coded so that it is possible to tell an operative’s occupation at a glance.
Emblem for the Alien Assistance Agency
Here’s the new emblem for the Planetary League Alien Assistance Agency.
Big Holiday Faction Update
Over the last several days, I have been adding information about some new factions. Two of these are organizations under the Planetary League:
The DAJ (Department of Artificial Justice) is a law enforcement agency centered on crimes comitted by robots and AI
The PLAAA (Planetary League Alien Assistance Agency) is the Planetary League’s outreach operation for alien civilizations facing any sort of humanitarian crisis.
The other two are factions of robotic intelligences created by the Takarrans in their catastrophic arms race.
The Defendrons were built by the red takarrans to protect their interests by infiltrating the purple takaran empire disguised as other technological items.
The Cryptobots were created by the purple takarrans to destroy their enemies by disguising themselves as other technological devices.