Monoculture Worlds

There are a number of worlds around the galaxy where the evolution of life has been effectively halted by a single species (and sometimes a single organism) that came to dominate the biosphere.  These are known to planetary scientists as monoculture worlds.  In the whole galaxy, not a single monoculture world harbors intelligent life, except where explorers have come from another planet.

Usually, monocultures are dominated by early-evolving plant-like organisms that grow so aggressively as to block out the sunlight that its competitors would need, while producing potent poisons that kill off nascent herbivores.  These dominant organisms often do have other, simpler symbiotic partners that exist only to the extent that they serve the dominant species. 

On a few monoculture worlds, the dominant species has evolved past the need to eliminate competition, and the dominant species prove edible.  The aggressive growth cycle of these species can provide an abundant food source for nearby inhabited worlds and colonies.  This aggressive growth also presents a hazard, for when these dominant organisms are transplanted, they often become invasive pests.

Icebox Worlds

Research Station on Rastaban 2

Rastaban 2 once had a thriving ecosystem before the gravity of a rogue planet drew it out beyond the habitable zone.

Icebox worlds are places that were once warm enough to support life, but froze over after life started there, leaving a whole biosphere of frozen life-forms.  A number of these are found throughout the galaxy. 

This can happen for a number of reasons.  Some of these worlds were nudged from their habitable orbits by outside influences, another star passing close to their solar system, or the gravity of a rogue planet.  Others were warm when their stars were younger, but time has depleted the energy of their suns (often a red giant shrinking into a dwarf star).  Icebox worlds can also be caused by volcanism filling the atmosphere with opaque debris and smoke that causes a cooling feedback loop, and in rare cases a civilization arises that creates a nuclear winter scenario.

The first Icebox world to be discovered was Uranus's moon Oberon, which was found to have simple life forms frozen into its icy outer layer.

In some cases, when a planet is still in the habitable zone, terraforming equipment such as heat-mills and atmospheric conditioners is brought in, and the planet is colonized.

The home planets of the Gorox and the Wuxria are considered to be borderline Icebox, but not fully included in this category due to the persistence of advanced lifeforms.

Election Festival

The Planetary League was a democratic civilization with a Senate, a court system and a President, as well as planetary, regional, and local versions of the same basic governing structures.  In order to fill those offices, the League held annual elections.  These took the form of a ten-day festival.  This was held each year from day 301 - 310 of the Galactic Standard Calendar, (roughly corresponding to the end of October through the beginning of November from the older Gregorian calendar).

The first five days of the festival were devoted to debates and discussions, as well as general revelry, parties and dances.  Local festivals often included a midway where political parties, candidates, and petitioners had booths and displays, mixed in with various carnival amusements.  Comedians and artists would lighten the mood with public displays of satire. 

The sixth, seventh and eighth days turned solemn, with candidates giving formal speeches.  These days were set aside for citizens to actually cast their ballots.

The ninth day of the festival was for announcing the winners of the election.  It was a day for victory and concession speeches and parties.

The final day of the festival was known as Reconciliation Day, and was devoted to reaffirming the core values of the Planetary League.  This was a day for the losers to congratulate the winners, and the winners to make a public display of graciousness to the losers.  It was perhaps the most important civic holiday in the Planetary League.

The Election Festival survived the Great Reckoning, and a form of it was carried on every year in the Holy Empire of Man. It was a substantially shorter festival, being only three days long.

The main feature of this incarnation of the festival was an extended military pageant, with parades and speeches.  This was accompanied by the public shaming and execution of various criminals and enemies of the empire.

The festival ended with the announcement of the people who had been "elected" (chosen by the Emperor, or his servants) to fill various civic and military offices, as well as those who had been awarded medals or honors. 

Storyteller civilizations

This euphemistic category of cultures primarily encompasses those that failed to achieve technological prominence through a lack of literacy.  Most of these never developed any formal system of writing.  Some were founded by life-forms that lacked the ability to think abstractly about visual information, while others never developed writing because they were trapped in a cycle of perpetual warfare, or other ongoing upheavals.  Others settled into lifestyles that fit comfortably with their environments, and never felt the pressure to advance their technologies.   Also included (but not without controversy) are a handful of cultures that did develop writing systems, but had written languages so simple as to only contain a handful of words.  Included in this latter group are the Wuxria, whose lack of fine manipulation abilities left their written language at a rudimentary level.

Chaos Energy

Chaos energy was a little-understood phenomenon before well into Era-3.  Most of the time it appears to be just part of the random background noise of the universe, generally cancelling its self out.  On rare occasions it can manifest unpredictable results.  It can alter people or objects in bizarre ways, open unstable wormholes, manifest objects or beings, or do any number of other things.  These results; however are so rare that individual incidents are almost always ignored as an isolated fluke of nature.  Bigger incidents can spawn chain-reactions that cause multiple strange events, but were so rare before Era-2, as to basically be unknown outside of obscure legend and wild conjecture.

Chaos Energy is often generated as a by-product of Spatial Compression technology, and places and times with little use of Spatial Compression tend to have only very low levels of Chaos Energy.  When a spatial compression device generates negative energy to create an Alcubierre Field, it pushes some of the energy out of our universe into hyperspace, allowing Chaos Energy to flow back in through the breach in the local brane.

Throughout Era-0, Chaos Energy was uncommon enough that its manifestations were written off as flukes of nature.  Even in the Empire of 1,000,000 Suns, where Spatial Compression was used, the local dependence on Stargates made it exceedingly rare.

During Era-1, while Spatial Compression was widely used in the Planetary League, the amount of usage, combined with the relatively low effectiveness of the Spatial Compression devices of the time made Chaos Energy a rarity.  It did become more pronounced toward the end of Era-1, as the technology improved and interstellar travel became more common.

The Great Reckoning was the titanic war that started Era-2, and the massed fleets of the Holy Empire of Man created vast amounts of Chaos Energy.  This is widely seen as the main factor leading to the rise of the Chaos Worlds during this time period.  The Imperial forces of the time spent much blood and treasure battling chaotic entities, but also benefited from a few talented people within their ranks who could sense and manipulate Chaos Energy. Typically those with this ability ended up suffering grave side-effects, or even being wholly consumed by this fickle force.

During the middle part of Era-3, scientists in the Galactic Republic discovered that Chaos Energy was the byproduct of Spatial Compression technology, and was a more-or-less direct manifestation of the unraveling of the space-time continuum itself.  Chaos energy was directly responsible for the Big Fade, a cataclysm in which everything in the galaxy gradually de-materialized into a field of undifferentiated energy at the end of Era-3.

The structure of most organic brains has a minuscule ability to detect and manipulate Chaos Energy, although some beings possess natural talents that allow them to do supernatural-seeming things using it.  Even with little talent, a highly skilled practitioner can perform amazing feats using it if it is present at sufficient levels.

The renowned scientist-turned pirate, Dr. Immanuel Jefferson Cyclone was affected by chaos energy sometime early in his career, while testing an experimental hyper-drive, leading to his very eventful life.

The mysterious group known as the Elect of Zanath would often turn up at the scene of unusual incidents in their secret battle against the negative repercussions of chaos energy eruptions.

The Hand of Eris effectively worships Chaos Energy, seeking out and recruiting or training Chaos Energy users, and dedicating their efforts toward amplifying the Chaos Energy in the universe.


Types of Space Storms

There are several types of events that happen in deep space that space travelers refer to as storms.  This is a brief description of the several types of space storms.

Gamma Ray Burst

Big, cosmic events can release huge amounts of energy in the form of gamma rays.  Even the best shielding can do little to protect life-forms from the full power of a gamma ray burst.  Fortunately, the vast distances to such events means that most of that energy has usually dispersed by the time it gets near inhabited worlds.  Close proximity to such events is not advised. 

Gravitational Waves

These are caused by large-scale cosmic events, such as black holes colliding.  The magnitude of the distortion in space-time caused by these waves is usually small enough that it isn't noticeable in normal space, but ships in hyperspace can be thrown off course substantially, or even broken up by the distortions.  Gravitational waves caused at least one colony ship to crash on New Albuquerque.

Meteor Shower

This happens when a ship passes through an area containing a number of small asteroids, or alternately when a group of asteroids strike a planet or other habitation.  The main threat of this type of storm comes from the relative velocity between the ship and the asteroids.  This type of event can damage or destroy a ship in space.  Planets with substantial atmospheres generally have the asteroids burn up before they strike the ground.

Neutronium Burst

Sometimes, even neutron stars are destroyed.  They might crash into other neutron stars, or get engulfed by a black hole.  When this happens, fragments of hyperdense neutronium can be released in what is known as a Neutronium Burst.  The high density of these fragments makes them far more dangerous than asteroids. 

Stellar Flares

Most stars have events of this type, at least occasionally.  Stellar flares cause plumes of electrically charged plasma to erupt through space.  If they strike a planet or a ship, Stellar Flares can disrupt communications, take out power systems and destroy electronics.

Unstable Wormholes

The fabric of space is not as stable as it might seem.  Wormholes to distant places and times, (and even even parallel universes) occasionally appear for unknown reasons, and at unpredictable places and times.  These wormholes can flash in and out of existence in an instant, or linger for years, providing access to distant places and times.  General Zarlok used such a wormhole to end the 1,000 Years War.

Base 8 Numbering System

Throughout the Empire of 1,000,000 Suns, and most of the breakaway states, numbers are reckoned using base-8.  It works a lot like the familiar Arabic numerals used on Earth, with each successive place increasing in value by a power of 8, and fractions appearing in black boxes to the right of the whole number.  Negatives are offset with two "dart marks" pointing toward the number.  Here is a depiction of the numbering system:

The Eye of God

Toward the Middle of Era-1, a deep space rescue ship operated by the Tardigrades discovered a huge gemstone-quality diamond in deep space.  Measuring over 100 Meters in diameter, this diamond was more of a landmark than a treasure.  It was placed into a public museum by the Planetary League Astrophysical Survey, and the popular media gave it the name "The Eye of God". 

Over the years several attempts were made to steal the diamond.  Occasionally these were successful, but generally not for long, as hiding such a large stone proved nearly impossible.  Occasionally, the thieves would succeed in carving off pieces of the stone, but the bulk of it remained intact.

During the Great Reckoning, the Holy Empire of Man confiscated the Eye of God, and it went into the Emperor's personal treasury at Beta Pictoris.

During Era-3, the Eye of God was once again put on public display by the Galactic Republic.