Beyond the Spozak

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Darryl Blaine

Born in GSC 225, Darryl Blaine was to become known as one of the most prolific entrepreneurs and town founders in the history of the galaxy.

Darryl Blaine was born on Mars in GSC 225, and early in life quickly gained a reputation for being rowdy and unpredictable. After completing his education, he turned to asteroid mining to make a living. After working in the main asteroid belt for Krieg Enterprises for a few years, he turned his sights on the rich asteroid fields of Beta Pictoris, hoping to make a fortune.

Luck was on his side until it wasn’t. Blaine quickly made a small nest egg from mining before fate struck. A mining accident destroyed both his legs, which he had replaced with tank tracks. After an extended period of directionless living, Blaine had an idea. He started a business supplying miners with equipment and supplies that quickly grew and thrived. In a short span of time, his company grew to dominate the economy of the small town where it was headquartered, and that town was the first to be named Blaine in his honor.

Following this success, he opened a series of other businesses to round out the economy of Blaine, including restaurants, publications, entertainment venues, stores, and even a shopping mall. Blaine was quickly becoming a boom-town.

As his fortunes seemed to be reaching their zenith, Blaine was struck with an acute case of wanderlust, and started traveling from planet to planet. Wherever he traveled, Blaine brought his business acumen with him. He would land on a planet near some valuable natural resource, set up a company to supply those who worked the resource, and build a town around it. These towns, (almost all of them were named Blaine), were set up with a nearly identical set of businesses.

Blaine was rich enough to afford the best anti-aging treatments, and to the present there is no record of his death. This is not terribly surprising, because as far as anybody knows, he is still perpetually traveling from planet to planet founding towns named Blaine.