Beyond the Spozak

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As the human race expanded across the galaxy, they came into contact with a wide variety of other intelligences, many of whom integrated into human society. As a result, the work of medics became more and more difficult, as the range of possible patients increased. To make things a bit easier, scientists gradually developed synthetic replacements for various body parts that could work with a wide range of possible biologies.

Multiblood is multi-colored because it isn’t a single substance, but is made of several nanotechnical metamaterials that each perform a different function. The various elements of multiblood perform all the main functions of blood, they deliver oxygen and nutrients, remove carbon dioxide and waste products, patch up wounds and defend against pathogens. The iv bag that contains and delivers multiblood contains a probe that can detect the patient’s genetic makeup and communicates to the nanobots in the multiblood to optimize its activity. While it isn’t as effective as a replacement for natural blood as the genuine article, multiblod has saved countless lives by doing a good-enough job for the widest array of possible patients.