Titans are enormous walking vehicles similar to battleoids, but at a larger scale. The smallest titans are about the same size as the largest battleoids, but the largest are far larger. Because of their size and complexity, titans are always piloted by a crew of at least two, and usually three or five pilots connected via an inter-brain network based off the early experiments of the Markovians (notably technology recovered from the Archipelago incident). Unlike battleoids, Titans are never mass-produced. Each one is custom-built for a particular use. Many prosperous industrial worlds prominently feature a titan in their planetary defense forces, as a status symbol.
The first Titans saw deployment around GSC 850 among the star-kingdoms along the Sagittarius rim. The Planetary League never widely adopted the technology, but the Holy Empire of Man used them extensively, mainly as an intimidation tactic. The Empire of 1,000,000 Suns gained the technology shortly before the War of the Empires, and Titans saw extensive use during that conflict.