Beyond the Spozak

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Albion 4

The planet known as Albion 4 is littered with overgrown ruins, the remains of a civilization, roughly at the medieval level of development.  The apparent cause of the collapse was a disease that wiped out the population.  The ruins include castles, towns and elaborate temples, perfect for adventurous explorers and archeologists.  A number of squatters and grave-robbers also made the planet their home.

Albion 4's celestial neighbors include two hot Jupiters (gas giants close to their star), and a burnt out Chthonian planet.  Albion 4 its self has three major moons.  This arrangement makes eclipses a fairly common event, and there is evidence that this factored heavily into the myth and religion of the now extinct natives.

Being relatively close to Aldebaran 2, Albion 4 was the site of much archaeology and research during Era-1.

During Era-2, Albion 4 was largely ignored by the Holy Empire of Man. This helped make it a popular hiding place for those who opposed the Empire.  Whenever the rebels and outlaws on Albion 4 got too ambitious, however, the Empire would launch a suppressing raid, or even an occasional small-scale invasion to re-assert authority.


Albion 4 is the home-world of the Sporlak, a large, amphibious animal resembling a sauropod.