Beyond the Spozak

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Cielius 5


Cielius 5 is a terrestrial planet, with relatively little surface water (about 40%), but high humidity.  The sky is usually overcast, and the environment is typically dewey and/or misty (frosty and snowy at higher latitudes).  The high humidity tends to moderate the seasons, and the air temperatures average out around 50-60 degrees Farenheit (10-15 degrees Celsius).  The gravity is uncomfortably high for humans (around 2.8 Gs).

The natural biosphere of Cielius 5 includes plants at the level of development of ferns, and animals roughly equivalent to amphibians on Earth.  The first intelligent life on Cielius 5 was a band of Cielioid pirates who thought it would be a good place to hide out.

Cielius 5 became a rather infamous pirate haven during Era-1.  The first contact Humans had with Cielioids was with pirates operating out of this haven, which scholars in the Planetary League mistakenly believed to be their home planet.  This is why they are called Cielioids.  The name stuck.