Beyond the Spozak

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Fitzgerald's Landstrider


The Landstrider is native to Fitzgerald's World, a planet without predators where herbivores can grow to very large size.  Because they lack natural predators, they don't fear humans, which means they can be easily tamed, but it also makes poaching a problem.  They range the tropical regions of Fitzgerald's World, primarily living in heavily forested areas, and can live up to five hundred years.

Landstriders are the size of a house at birth, and can grow to the height of a ten-story building.  Because of their large size, tamed Landstriders are sometimes used as pack animals, and can easily carry an entire expedition with all of its gear on their backs.

The skeleton of a Landstrider contains a large amount of titanium-based compounds, giving it greater strength to hold up the creature's enormous bulk.  For this reason, when one dies, its bones are a valuable commodity.  

 Landstriders are herbivores, and an adult will eat full-grown trees with a single bite.  The Landstrider eats by grasping a tree or other plant with the tentacles that grow from the side of its head.  Its mouth is surrounded by a thick beard-like growth of hair.  This is the only hair on its body.

Landstriders have two pairs of eyes.  The eyes on the sides of their heads provide peripheral vision, while the eyes on the front let them look directly at things.  They do have a sense of hearing, but it is very imprecise, allowing them to hear loud noises, without being able to discern the direction from which the sound originated.

A Landstrider breathes through openings in its sides that open up to its enormous lungs.  Landstriders are known to carry a respiratory infection, known as Fitzgerald's Lung Rot, which has crossed species to humans.  Lung Rot is just a nuisance infection to the Landstrider, but can be debilitating, and occasionally fatal to humans.

Landstriders are social animals, and live in family herds led by an alpha male.