Beyond the Spozak

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Dr. Cyclone

Dr. Cyclone was one of the most feared pirates in the galaxy.  Ever shifting in appearance and details, wickedly intelligent, hopelessly insane, and imbued with enough chaos energy to destroy a planet, Dr. Cyclone was a threat to anybody in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Early Life

Records of Cyclone's early life are sketchy at best, but it is known that they were once a brilliant young scientist, developing an early prototype of a spatial-compression device.  Test runs of the device failed, but it was later discovered that an error in the basic equations used to design the prototype led to a device that released huge quantities of trans-dimensional chaos energy.  (This error is an easy one to make, and it has been theorized that a number of planets around the galaxy became chaos worlds on their first attempts at superluminal transport because of it.)  Cyclone may or may not have been present on Gazillion, inc's Mobile Research Platform #3 at the time General Zarlok first arrived in the solar system.  

“Who is Dr. Cyclone? A brilliant scientist, a ruthless pirate, and he personally absorbed enough chaos energy to make most planets uninhabitable.” - Viola Yamamoto, Tech-warden

A Career of Piracy

Sometime prior to the beginning of Era-1, around the time of the first Robot War, a series of raids on shipping lanes in the outer solar system began that bore all the hallmarks of Dr. Cyclone's involvement.  They tended to  involve improbable inventions, over-the-top theatrics, and an overwhelming ferocity that has often been described as a "force of nature".

Time and again across the galaxy, Dr. Cyclone clashed with the forces of law and order, all while sowing chaos and destruction.  The Tardigrades, the Planetary League Interstellar Navy, various bounty-hunters, and the police and naval forces of numerous different states all reported clashing with the notorious pirate.  Dr. Cyclone's death or capture was reported as many times as their escape or apparent return from the dead.  

The Hand of Eris

As Era-2 was dawning, the level of chaos energy in the galaxy reached a tipping point, and the general level of chaos related inter-dimensional activity escalated dramatically.  This coincided with the founding of the Hand of Eris, a shadowy cult devoted to chaos in all its multifarious guises.  Dr. Cyclone quickly rose up the ranks in the Hand of Eris to become a prominent leading figure.  On countless occasions, Dr. Cyclone led the forces of the Hand of Eris in battle against the Holy Empire of Man, and every other opponent.

The End?

As Era-3 brought in a time of stability and progress for the galaxy, chaos energy naturally waned.  The Hand of Eris eventually disbanded and its members scattered.  Nobody knows for sure what finally became of Dr. Cyclone, perhaps they are simply biding their time in inter-dimensional space waiting for the chance to strike again.



While Dr. Cyclone's physical appearance was in constant flux, the core of their personality was constant.  Given to strong drink, Dr. Cyclone was never seen without a bottle of Old Mallard, an extremely rare liquor, close at hand.  Dr. Cyclone was preternaturally self-possessed, and nearly unflappable, and became more self-possessed and unflappable as the apparent absurdity of their actions increased.  This calm in the midst of chaos was often borne out as Dr. Cyclone's madness often proved to be part of some larger design.

Effects of Chaos Energy

Dr. Cyclone was a person constantly in flux.  Their appearance, exact name, physical abilities, sex, age, and other details were constantly changing, leading to the widespread belief that Dr. Cyclone was merely a legend, but those who crossed paths with the mad doctor quickly discovered that Cyclone was all too real.  Many who have studied Dr. Cyclone have come to the conclusion that the chaos energy Dr. Cyclone absorbed constantly brought different versions of the doctor from different timelines to the forefront.  Having access to the knowledge of many different versions of themselves might explain the unlikely diversity of Cyclone's inventions as well.   


The improbable inventions of Dr. Cyclone spanned a wide gamut from a stochastic teleporter that would send a victim to random coordinates in space by measuring their energy level so precisely that their quantum waveform would disperse, to a variety of virus robot that could drive its host to a number of different acts (It is widely speculated that this development may have led to the creation of the Maenads of Troniac), to the massive Aurora Drives that propelled the Black Swan.


A chronicle of Dr.Cyclone’s adventures: